Monday, October 11, 2010

A few hair care tips for Winter

The dry winter can be quite damaging to hair. Hair becomes dry easily during this time of the year from the dry indoor heating and the dry cold weather outside. Proper preventative steps need to be taken during this season to ensure that your hair does not get damaged.

                           Winter Hair Care Tips

Do not shampoo your hair too often. One of the most common mistakes people make is shampooing their hair too often. In cold weather, both the hair and scalp dry out more easily.Shampooing your hair more than required can make your hair and scalp dry.

Do not overuse your hairdryer. Overusing your hairdryer will contribute to dry damaged hair. Try to blow dry your hair as little as possible. When you use your hairdryer, try using the 'cool' setting. Drying your hair with cool air may take a little longer but it will do less damage to your hair.

Do not wear woollen clothing on your hair: Use a silk scarf to cover your hair, over this you can use woollen clothing. If you wear woollen clothing directly on your hair, it can damage the hairline.

Do not go out with wet hair: Your hair might develop split ends if exposed to extreme cold conditions. Hence do not step out with wet hair.

Massage oil into your hair: Massage your scalp and hair with olive oil at least twice a week, this will allow your hair to retain its moisture. You will get better results if you heat the oil mildly before you massage it into your scalp.

Wash your hair with warm or cool water: Using hot water can be bad for the scalp and hair, always use warm or cool water to wash your hair.

Use conditioner: Use a good hair conditioner everyday to condition your hair. Once you apply the conditioner wash your hair with cold water, this will lock moisture in the hair.

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