Saturday, October 9, 2010

Durga Pujo

Durga Puja is widely celebrated in India. It is not only the biggest Hindu Festival celebrated throughout our state – West Bengal, but also the most significant Socio-Cultural Event in Bengali Society, all throughout the World.

Durga Puja Parikrama

Traditional Family Puja
Durga Puja is celebrated in West Bengal since the Medieval Period, also known as the period of Mughal Empires. In 16th Century the Durga Puja was held in Court of Rajshahi and in Nadia District in 18th Century. However, in 18th Century it became popular. The Zamindar families of the city are quietly carrying on with their traditions, some of which started hundreds of years ago. By mid of 18th Century, the national festival of the Bengalis became an occasion for the rich Babus of Kolkata to flaunt their wealth. It became a religious splurge among the Babu’s of Bengal, to measure the supremacy of one over the other. Guptipara in Hoogly was the first place in Bengal where the idea of “Baroyari” or “Sarbojanin” puja was conceived in the year 1790.

Idol in the making

Sarbojanin (Barowari) Puja
Durga Puja is the most awaited festival of West Bengal, spanning over four days at a stretch. It is not possible for everyone in the community to organize it of their own. A Durga Puja is organized by a group of people in a locality thence being known as Sarbojanin Durga Puja. Initially, Durga Puja was celebrated only in affluent and zamindar families of West Bengal. Then Barowari Puja came into existence. The word “Barowari” is derived from “Baro” and “Yaar” i.e. a group of twelve friends.

The famous Dhunuchi Naach

Housing/Apartment/Complex Puja
Today in Kolkata people like to reside in Housing Complexes, Apartments or Enclaves. These Housing complexes consist of different blocks consisting of numerous flats. The Housing complexes provide many amenities to their residents. The Complexes in Kolkata organize Durga Puja festival at large scale and is done by collecting funds from the residents of that particular Apartment.
On the days of Puja, different events are held, such as, drawing competition for children; quiz competition, dance competition, Dhunuchi Naach and many other events. In many complexes, on the day of “Ashtami”, Bhog is served for lunch. The Complex gets lightened up and the residents come to attend Puja in their fineries. The Puja is celbrated with great pomp and show in all Housing Complexes of Kolkata.


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