Monday, October 4, 2010

Curry Leaves and its Benefits

How often have you fished out that “annoying curry leaf” from your food?
Well, every time you do so, you might just be committing a criminal act towards your body. This is because; this little leaf has immense powers- some that are even beyond belief.


To begin with, the most crucial of properties – having anti-oxidants – is carried by curry leaves.
These leaves are also extremely high in Vitamin C. They therefore help clean up your blood, leaving your skin with a fresh glow, your hair with more luster and your eyes with brilliance.
If you want to pump up your levels of calcium, then you could increase your daily intake by adding curry leaves to any food that you cook. The same applies with iron. Curry leaves will therefore help with eyesight as well.
If you are pregnant and your morning sickness is driving you up the wall, then simply add curry leaves to lemon juice and a little organic jaggery. This would ease you of a daily problem, in a healthy, herbal manner. This is better than most medicines, since there is a zero risk of side effects to you or your unborn child.
Mix some curry leaves into your buttermilk and this is a sure shot home remedy to an upset stomach.

- By Naini Setalvad 

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