Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Celebrities and Blogging

There are celebrity bloggers and then there are celebrity bloggers. The first kind are those who have gained name and fame via blogging and the other includes the ones who are famous and are now therefore reaching out to their fans via the medium of the weblog.
This post makes an attempt at listing the Indian celebrities (mostly Bollywood people) who have taken on to blogging.
There are a number of lists listing celeb blogs , therefore spent hours looking for them and putting them together in one place (and also adding some frills).
But a few do it very well. We've gleaned a short list of famous Indian people who post their personal writings on the Web for a start .

Aamir Khan
Who: Actor, director, producer [More]
Where: His own website
Feed: No
Worth following: Yes
Aamir keeps his blog regularly updated. Writes about a lot of things but many tend to revolve around his films. Good blog to follow if you want to know what The Perfectionist has to say. But the blog in itself is far away from being perfect. It even lacks many features that we non-celebrity bloggers expect as default in our blogs. 

Kiran Bedi
Who: Ex-cop, social activist [More]
Where: Kiran Bedi blog on Blogger
Feed: Yes
Worth following: No
Nothing in there since November 2006.

Shahrukh Khan
Who: Actor, producer [More]
Where: Blog at IntentBlog and at
Milan of the Villains website
Feed: Yes (IntentBlog)
Worth following: Perhaps
There might be some activity on SRK's blog during the next IPL season. The IntentBlog blog has only a single old post on Paheli.

Shobaa De
Who: Novelist, columnist [More]
Where: Blog on Blogger
Feed: Yes
Worth following: Yes
After so many years writing should come naturally to Mrs De and she also lets it flow in her blog.

Ram Gopal Varma
Who: Director, producer, writer [More]
Where: Blog on Windows Live Spaces
Feed: Yes
Worth following: Yes
Ramu might have lost his touch in movies but he is still an interesting read.

And, ofcourse...

Amitabh Bachchan
Who: Actor [More]
Where: Big Blog at Bigadda
Feed: Yes
Worth following: Yes
The Big B is a prolific blogger and has provided him with a comparatively decent platform to blog on. His and Aamir's blog are the two most discussed celebrity blogs in the country.


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