Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bloggin Buzz

It’s no secret that the internet has evolved in the last five years. the technology finally evolved and with it a burgeoning market for internet commerce mostly in advertising It took a while, but when a larger percentage of world citizens gained broadband internet access and millions started logging in every day to check email, news and the newest ping pong ball video on YouTube, everything sorted itself out and the internet started to make real money. News and politics have recently undergone their fair share of massive changes, largely in part due to the fact that news media has been making that steady shift for the past few years. Anyone with a computer can now learn about the goings on of a half a world a way Entertainment has long since been the cutting edge of new technology and while the major companies are actually starting to fall behind a little bit, the user generated entertainment industry has exploded in recent years, creating mega-sites like YouTube. Videos of ping pong ball tricks and skateboarding dogs are not the only changes in the industry though. Musicians now create their own home videos and utilize the internet to spread their music virally. Film companies create ad campaigns with which to spread their wares and television is now easily accessible from network websites and video gathering pages. Entertainment, as well as gaming has become as easily accessible as ever and continues to grow as the studios and networks that held out until now realize that this is the future of their industries. There are millions of users around the world tapping into the growing technologies presented in socializing online. This includes everything from blogging about one’s day to uploading personal profiles and comments or saving a dozen albums of photographs to the internet for friends and family to peruse. The freedom and constant interaction that the internet provides for teachers and students means that future educators will surely utilize it to its fullest extent. Businesses use blogs to keep their clients and employees updated rather than using memos; communications have changed to the point of being almost entirely digital, and eventually even more aspects of daily interaction will change due to the ability to create and edit content dynamically from anywhere in the world. It’s just a matter of the proper innovation and creativity to make it happen.

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