Saturday, November 13, 2010

Skin Care - Blackheads

Here are some remedies for those re-appearing Blackheads

Blackheads occur due to a variety of reasons like exposure to dust, hormonal imbalances, lack of hygiene, stress, perspiration, lack of nutritious food, insufficient quality sleep etc.
In order to prevent and treat them, one needs to take proper skin care. 

  • The golden rule pertaining to blackheads, pimples or even whiteheads is not to squeeze them. This leaves scars on your skin and makes it susceptible to infections. 

  • Regularly exfoliate your skin as this cleans the pores of your skin that have been clogged due to dust and oil and prevents formation of blackheads. There are several exfoliating scrubs in the market — invest in a good one.

  • It is necessary to wash your face at least two to three times a day to protect your skin from dust. 

  • Apply a face mask using the white of an egg with a teaspoon of honey. Leave it on for 20 minutes and wash it off. 

  • No matter how late it gets, never go to sleep with make-up on. 

  • Drink plenty of water as it flushes out the toxins from your body.

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