Thursday, November 18, 2010

Relief for Puffy Eyes

The area around the eyes is sensitive and the skin surrounding it very thin so it can easily become irritated, red and puffy. Many women may experience minor puffiness upon arising, but this tends to resolve on its own by mid-morning as gravity drains the fluid that has accumulated throughout the night.
However, there may be other reasons why we suffer from puffy eyes and though there aren't any magical solutions, there are ways in which we can help ourselves. Read on to find out how to minimize the impact of puffy eyes..

Top 10 Tips to Relieve Puffy Eyes

Tip 1

Topical Relief

Unfortunately, No Magical Potion Or Miracle Treatment Exists To Diminish Puffy Eyes. However, Topical Treatments May Help. Check with your doctor.

Tip 2

Hydrate Yourself

When Your Body Becomes Dehydrated, It Begins To Retain Water. This Can Lead To Puffy Eyes. Ensure That You Consume Enough Fluids - Aim for 8 to 10 Glasses a Day and Try to Pay Attention So That When You're Thirsty You Remember To Drink.

Tip 3

Eliminate or Avoid Allergens

If Redness And Itching Accompany Your Puffy Eyes, Then You May Be Dealing With Allergies. Eliminate Potential Allergens Which May Include Feather Pillows, Fabrics, Face Creams, Dust, Pollen or Some Foods. Take An Antihistamine If You Need To.

Tip 4

Sleep With Your Head Elevated

Sleeping Flat And On Your Front Results In Poorer Circulation And Allows Fluid To Collect Around Your Eyes. Sleep On Your Back Instead And Use A Pillow. In Some Individuals, Not Getting Enough Sleep May Cause Puffy Eyes.

Tip 5

Remove Your Make-Up 

Not Removing Cosmetics, Especially If Around The Eye May Cause Irritation Of This Area. Also Watch For Old Make-Up, Especially Eye Products, Which May Build Up Bacteria That Can Potentially Irritate The Eye And Eye Area. 

Tip 6

Limit Alcohol and Salt

Alcoholic Beverages And Salty Foods May Increase Fluid Retention Which Ultimately Can Lead To Puffy Eyes. Try To Limit Intake Of Alcohol And Salty Foods.

Tip 7

Resolve Underlying Health Issues

Some Women Retain Water Prior To Their Menstrual Cycle And In Certain Individuals This May Appear Around The Eyelids. You Can Help By Trying To Maintain Hormonal Balance - Eat A Diet Rich In Fruits And Vegetables And Low In Glycemic Foods. Exercise. Work With A Qualified Healthcare Professional To Correct An Underlying Hormonal Imbalance If You Suspect You May Have One. 

Certain Conditions Including High Blood Pressure, Dermatitis, Blepharitis (Inflammation Of The Eyelid), Orbital Cellulites (An Infection Of The Orbital Tissue), Chalazion (Small Benign Tumors On The Eyelids), Kidney Infections And Thyroid Disorders May All Result In Puffy Eyes. Seek Treatment.

Tip 8

Slow Down Skin Aging

Though Genetics And Past Behavior (Like Excessive Exposure To The Sun) Can't Be Changed, There Are Ways We Can Help. Skin Loses Elasticity As We Age Causing Swelling Around The Eyes. Use A Good UVA/UVB Blocking Sunscreen Around The Eye Area Every Day To Help Reduce Damage From The Sun’s Rays. Choose A Minimum Of SPF 15 If You're Out For Less Than 15 Minutes. Eat A Diet Rich In Antioxidants And Take A Supplement If You Can't.

Tip 9

Moisturize, Moisturize

If You Suffer From Dryness Around The Eyes, Then Choose A Good Moisturizer. Preventing Dryness In This Area May Help To Relieve The Swelling.

Tip 10

Treat With Cold

Cold Works Wonders To Relieve Puffy Eyes And You May Want To Try Cold Compresses Comprised Of The Following:
A. Cold Water/Gel Masks
B. Cotton Wool Pads Soaked In Cold Water Or Cold Milk And Applied For 10 To 15 Minutes
C. Black Or Chamomile Teabags Soaked In Cold Water And Applied For 5 To 10 Minutes
D. Slices Of Cucumber, Potato Or Apple Slices

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